Welcome to Course Sites

Course Sites

CNDLS Course Sites use WordPress to allow for the easy creation of a course-specific site where students may publish or even create their own sites. There are two approaches, when requesting a course site: 

  • Use one course site for you and all your students to contribute to;
  • Use a hub-and-spoke model where you as faculty manage one central course site, while each student owns their own site as well. Students can use their sites as a blog or ePortfolio. 

These sites can be made public or private to only students and teachers in the course. Additionally, non-Georgetown users can be added to the sites.

We have created a Resources page to help get you and your students started in WordPress. You can also email commons@georgetown.edu to request a consultation or schedule a class visit.

Looking for a more flexible website for your course or research? Visit Georgetown.domains.